The art for the December 2022 Member Box promises a morph marble for the Barn Owl, but it instead provides the morph marble resembling the Snowy Owl.There are a few reasons why your card might have been rejected.An update to the member box's arrival mail background mail occurred in July 2022.After opening a member box, Noot says, "Isn't this stuff neat?" or "Isn't being a Member awesome!?" or "Look at this cool stuff!".

There was an error with the May 2021 box that caused Magic Snowflakes to be listed in the preview, but the box contained Shivers.

The items the player receives every month often represent the month's theme or the month's upcoming holiday.Parent Goal Rewards or events), the line, "Gifted from a Member Box" will not be present in the description of the item. However, if the items usually granted from a Member Box are obtained in other ways (i.e. Most items from a Membership Box, will say "Gifted from a Member Box" in their description.Some of the items available in Membership Boxes can now be purchased from Lamplight Town, during events, or from Magic Mart.Halfway through a month, Prodigy gives Members a sneak peek of the next month's Membership Box. All of these new items can rarely be obtained from anywhere else. The Membership Box can contain new hats, outfits, wands, buddies, potions, house items, morph marbles, or currency. The Membership Box is a box of items that the player obtains in their wizard's mail on the first of each month (in UTC) if the player is a Member. Not to be mistaken with Ultimate Member Boxes, which are part of the Ultimate Membership plan.